
We recognize our stars!

President Dave Ross presents the BOTY Trophy to 2016 honoree Josie Savoie

Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association - Division I Championship Chorus - 2017


Awarded to

On Saturday, April 1, the Chilliwack Harmony Chorus won the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association (MBHA) Chorus Championship for the Barbershop Harmony Society Evergreen District Division I competition. With 17 members on stage, their two-song package performance shared the beauty and passion of the barbershop genre.  

Although this honour was won on April 1st, this was no April Fool's joke, but the culmination of hard work and commitment to the artform.  The Chilliwack Harmony Chorus is pleased to be recognized as the inaugural MBHA Chorus Award winner for 2017. 


Josie Savoie

Barbershopper of the Year (BOTY)


Awarded to Josie Savoie

Josie Savoie is the 2016 Barbershopper of the Year for the Chilliwack Harmony Chorus.

Her dedication and perseverance toward booking and promoting performances for the chorus have been exemplary.  Her continued participation with the physical warm-up section of rehearsals, acting as our public relations person and always bringing a positive, friendly spirit to each activity of the chapter earns her the designation of Barbershopper of the Year (BOTY).  Thank you, Josie, and Congratulations!


Criteria for BOTY

The criteria for this award is wide open and all encompassing.  It includes contributions in any area of barbershop activity whether it is musical or administrative. They may have been within the chapter or external (District and/or Society-wide).  This award recognizes contributions to furthering fellowship and singing within the chapter and the community.


Copyright © 2025 Chilliwack Harmony Chorus